Thursday, December 1, 2011

My new found justification for blogging...

After a ton of flip flopping, I've decided that I need to start blogging.  My reasons are simple:
  1. I'm jealous of my friends that have started blogging with success--true story
  2. I come across fun, crazy, inspired and unbelievable pieces of information all the time that I want to share in one place, not Facebook
  3. I want to start a small cult following
  4. I need a way to document & communicate who I am at this stage in life to my kids, like a makeshift journal
  5. I need a place to put all my random thoughts & feelings before the scrutiny of others-- I'm a glutton for punishment
Disclaimer: This will not be the best blog you've ever read.  However, my hope is that you surf away a little different than when you surfed in.